WELCOME to the website of the Provincial Grand Lodge of The Scottish Borders, I trust that you will find it both interesting and informative.
It fills me with great pride to have been appointed as Provincial Grand Master in June 2020,
I have been so proud of how all the Lodges have interacted with their members and also continued with their Fundraising and Charitable activities during the last three years.
To Freemasons who manage to visit our Province, you will be assured of a warm welcome.
Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
UPDATE: The PGL List of Events and Pocket Planner have been updated Click Here to view.
Hosted by Lodge Kelso and Tweed No. 58
Saturday 22 March
Lodge Installation: The Galashiels Lodge No. 262 at 2pm. In the Volunteer Hall, Galashiels.
Wednesday 02 April
PGL Lodge Visitation - Lodge St. Luke No. 132 at 7.00pm.
PGL Deputation at 7.30pm. (PGM).
Saturday 19 April
Lodge Event - Lodge St. John Selkirk No. 32 Staff Degree at 6.30pm.
Saturday 26 April
PGL BYSS Sponsored Walk - Hosted by Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58
Leaves the Lodge at 11am (Please see above to download a sponsor form)
Sunday 27 April
RAC/PGL Joint Annual Church Service 2.30 for 3.00pm.
Kelso Old Parish Church, The Butts, Kelso TD5 7DH
(Please assemble in the premises of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 from 2.pm.)
Tuesday 06 May
PGL Committee In the premises of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 at 7.30pm.
Sunday 11 May
PGL Annual Bowling Tournament 1pm for 1.30pm start.
Hosted by Lodge St. John No. 280
To be held at Coldstream Bowling Club, Home Park, Coldstream TD12 4 DT
Friday 16 May
PGL Communication PGL Regular Communication at 7.30pm.
In the premises of The Galashiels Lodge No. 262
Saturday 31 May
PGL Lodge Visitation
The Haughfoot Lodge No. 1824 at 3pm. (DPGM).
In the premises of Lodge St. John, Selkirk No.32.
What Happened in 2024
Amalgamation of Lodge Dunse No. 23 & Whiteadder No. 1245.
The Installation of our Provincial Grand Master and his Commission.
Sad Farewell to Lodge Whiteadder No. 1245 [READ MORE]
275th Rededication Celebrations
The Galashiels Lodge No. 262
There are 16 Lodges in Scottish Borders which meet in Eyemouth, Duns, Coldstream, Kelso, Jedburgh, Earlston, Melrose, Galashiels, Selkirk, Hawick, Lauder , Innerleithen and Peebles.
We have approx 430 Freemasons in the Scottish Borders, both young and old, from a variety of different backgrounds and occupations, all with their own reason for joining the Craft.
There are about 30, 000 active Freemasons in Scotland alone, each one a member of one of the 600 Lodges (approx.) within Scotland, operating under the Grand Lodge of Scotland based in Edinburgh.
There are about 6 million Freemasons all over the world who are members of Lodges who operate under a number of different Grand Lodges and different Constitutions .
Welcome to our blog
On Saturday 25th May 2024, The Borders Quarrymen performed an exemplification of a second degree at The Haughfoot Lodge No.1824.
The degree team did a fantastic job and special mentions must go to Bro. Peter Farquhar, of The Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis, for explaining the Working Tools for his first time on the floor, Bro. Jake Hume, of The Hawick No. 111, for doing the charge for the first time, Bro. Shawn Watson, of Lodge St, John Jedburgh No. 104, for his first rendition of the Tracing Board and Bro. Mark Forsyth of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, for his first attempt at the secrets.
We would like to thank RWM Bro. Kevin Stewart for leading the degree and The Haughfoot Lodge No. 1824 , for inviting us to work the exemplification at their meeting.
Following this meeting the Quarrymen held their Launch Event Charity Race night. The Race night was a resounding success with £1500 raised in total with £1000 of that raised on the night which was brilliant. We would like to say thank you to those who attended on the night, sponsored races, bought horses or supplied raffle prizes.
Special thank you must go to Lodge St. John Selkirk No.32 for allowing us the use of their venue and to their RWM, Bro. Brian Dodds, for not only manning the bar but for personally supplying the food on the night.
Congratulations and well done to all involved!
On Friday, 24th May, Lodge Kelso & Tweed 58 held their meeting in the elegant surroundings of Kelso Town Hall. The Lodge exercises its right annually to hold their meetings "within the said Hall in all time coming."
This year, the degree was conducted by veterans of the Armed Forces, aiming to raise funds for SSAFA, which supports serving personnel, veterans, and their families. The meeting was followed by a harmony in the Lodge Rooms, with toasts to the King, the Craft, and the Armed Forces.
The event raised a magnificent sum of £430 thanks to the generosity of the Brethren. At the end of the night, the Master, Bro Tim Slater, presented a cheque for £500 to Bro Drew Forsyth PM, Squadron Leader RAF in aid of SSAFA.
Lodge 262 members, Bro. Malcolm Robertson and Bro. Rob Oliver, recently organised a social charity night in the Lodge in aid of the Galashiels Boys Brigade.
Pictured is Bro. Malcolm Robertson (R) presenting a cheque for £750 from the Lodge, coupled with a cheque for £250 from the Provinces Border Youth Support Scheme.
On Saturday 20th April 2024, the Selkirk Staff Council held their annual charity meeting at Lodge St. John Selkirk No.32. It was a well attended event with 53 in attendance.
The Staff Council Officers conducted the Staff degree on 15 new members of the Staff Council. After the degree had been conducted, applications for support were then heard and it was agreed to distribute £1300 between 6 of the most deserving causes.
A good night was had, and after all the money was counted the night raised more than £1075, which is a great effort from those in attendance.
Thank you to Lodge St. John Selkirk No. 32 and their RWM Bro. Brian Dodds for having us, Bro. Brian Rodgerson for keeping us well lubricated and Bro. Iain Heard for entertaining us on the accordion.
A big thank you must go to the outgoing Senior Staff Officer Bro. Lawson Lightfoot for all his hard work over his years leading the staff council, big shoes to follow!
Bro. Andy McMenamin | Senior Staff Officer | Selkirk Staff Council
Today, along with Grand Almoner Tom Davidson, I had the pleasure of attending the Hawick Dementia Club within the premises of The Hawick Lodge No. 111.
For the last 9 years it has been run by Past Master Jim Sykes and Karen Kitson. It was mobbed. It was great to see children from a local kindergarten at the cafe entertaining the members and this was followed by The Golden Girls who sang with great gusto.
Over the past few years I have been saving 1p and 2p coins in a I gallon whisky bottle. As a result of this I was able to present the cafe with a cheque for £100. While there, members of Johnston’s of Elgin Mill attended and presented a cheque for £3,500. Puts my efforts to shame but every little helps.
The Grand Almoner and myself circulated the room and spoke to a few of the attendees.
A special thanks must go to the Grand Almoner for travelling down from Hamilton to be with us today.
Keep up the good work Jim and Karen and all the helpers. You are doing a great job.
Bro. George Donnelly
Past Provincial Grand Master
St. Luke's Brother Iain Brotherston, IPM, received his 60-year diamond jubilee diploma from RWM Brother Ian Fallas. Brother Brotherston has been installed into the chair of King Solomon on no less than five occasions.
Ian is also a Past Substitute Provincial Grand Master, a brother who is renowned throughout the province as a perfect ritualist. A magnificent achievement of six decades of dedication to our beloved craft.
Well done, Ian!
Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24 held a coffee morning where the sum of £500.00 was raised.
This money was presented to Dementia Friendly Tweeddale at Firholme Day Unit.
At the Installation of Elected Provincial Grand Lodge Office-bearers on 17 February 2024, in the premises of the Hawick Lodge No. 111, FIVE Young Masons, all members of The Borders Quarrymen, the Province's initiative for New and Young Masons, were installed in to their respective Offices, three of which being Installed for the first time.
Pictured Left to Right is Bro. Andrew McMenamin, Master Mason of Lodge St. John Selkirk No. 32 and Secretary of The Borders Quarrymen, was installed into his first Provincial office as PG Inner Guard, Bro. Mark Forsyth, Master Mason of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58 and Vice Chairman of The Borders Quarrymen (also the PGM's son) was installed into his first Provincial office as PG Sword-bearer, Bro. Dale Hall, Past Master of Lodge Dunse No. 23, was Installed as PG Junior Warden, Bro. Euan Heard, Master Mason of The Galashiels Lodge No. 262 and Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, as well as being Chairman of The Borders Quarrymen, was installed as PG Bible-bearer and Bro. Stewart Wilson, Master Mason of Lodge St. Ronan's No. 856, was installed into his first Provincial Office as PG Marshall. At the back and looking over the young members of his team, is the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth.
On the day, a well supported deputation was received from representatives from nine Sister Provinces, headed on this occasion by Bro. Andrew Millar, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
Depute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James Thom, had the pleasing duty of Installing the Office-bearers and the Substitute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Stewart Clark, invested the appointed Provincial Stewards from each of the Lodges.
Bro. Keith Cleland, Past Master of Lodge St. John Selkirk No. 32, was presented with his Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden's certificate by the Provincial Master.
On conclusion of the meeting, a fine meal was enjoyed by everyone and the usual toast list was observed.
At the Regular Meeting of the Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis on Monday 5 February 2024, Bro. Peter Farquhar was Raised to the High and Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
Pictured with Peter (centre) is the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders, Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth (L) and Master of the Lodge, Bro. Brian Lawson who both congratulated him on becoming a Master Mason.
Following a positive Christmas period, Lodge St. Ronan's No. 856 were delighted to be able to make a donation of £250 to Innerleithen Civic Association.
Once again the Civic Association provided a superb display of Christmas lights in Innerleithen and it was the Lodge's pleasure to help with their costs.
The Lodge said "It’s great for us at 856 that we are back in a position to help out with local causes, as this is very close to our hearts".
Pictured is the Right Worshipful Master, Bro. Andrew Caldwell, presenting Civic Association Chair, Jean Wilson, with their donation.
A Deputation from The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Scottish Borders visited Lodge Kelso and Tweed No. 58 on the occasion of their Annual Installation. As the Provincial Grand Master, Bro Andrew E. Forsyth, was one of the Installing masters, the deputation, on this occasion, was led by the Depute Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James Thom.
The deputation was welcomed into the packed Lodge and upon being presented with the Lodge Maul, the Depute Provincial Grand Master along the Senior Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro. Michael Laidlaw, had the privilege and pleasure of Consecrating and Dedicating a new addition to the Lodge's regalia, a beautifully crafted chain of office to adorn the Master's shoulders.
The installation of the Master and Office-bearers was ably overseen by Bro. Cliff Worrell, Past Master, along with Past Master Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth, RWPGM.
On conclusion of the installation ceremony, the Brethren were invited to the Tait Hall, a short walk away from the Lodge, to enjoy a wonderful meal along with the usual Masonic toast, speeches and entertainment that "only Kelso can do".
Congratulations and well done to Bro. Tim and the Office-bearers.
At the Provincial Grand Lodge annual visitation to Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24 on 10 January 2024, our Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Andrew E, Forsyth, was presented with Honorary Membership of the Lodge.
The presentation came as a total surprise to the PGM who was very pleased to accept.
On 9 January 2024, Bro. Philip Titley, Past Master of the Lodge of Melrose St. John No. 1bis, gave the Melrose Historical & Archaeological Association an illustrated lecture on "The History of Freemasonry in Melrose".
Bro. Phil delivered the well researched presentation to a full house which was followed by question and answer session.
Another great example of connecting with our communities.
On the 20 December 2023, at the regular meeting of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth, had the pleasure and privilege of presenting not one, but two distinguished Brethren of the Province with Honorary Grand Rank.
Bro. Tim Slater PM, the Reigning Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, was presented with Honorary Assistant Grand Secretary and Bro. Jock Blackie, a Past Master of the Galashiels Lodge No. 262 and the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master was presented with Honorary Grand Secretary.
This is one of the most pleasing duties the PGM has to perform. Well Done and Congratulations to you both.
Pictured (L to R): Bro. Tim Slater PM, Master of Lodge Kelso & Tweed No. 58, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. Andrew E. Forsyth, Bro. Jock Blackie PM, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master and a great friend and Honorary Member of the Province, Bro. Dougie Fergie PM, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of East Lothian.
Winners of our January 2025 draw:
1st :: C. McIntosh
2nd :: D. Woolf
3rd: :: Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24
Based at 96 George Street in Edinburgh, The Grand Lodge of Scotland has been representing Freemasons working under the Scottish Constitution since 1736 .
We have a number of Tokens available for sale, a must have for any serious collector. Please click on the link to see what we have. (Subject to availability).
Prostate Scotland has been a charity Partner of Grand Lodge and Freemasons under the Scottish Constitution have raised over
£1 Million for this great cause.
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