At the PGL Committee on Friday 28th January 2011, it was agreed that the idea of the Travelling Trowel be given a trial period in the Province. Bro. G. White (Lodge 58) and Bro. J. Mitchell (Lodge 111) agreed to purchase the Trowel and donate it to the Province and the scheme started on 1st October 2011, with Kelso No 58 being the initial holders.
Please try and give your support to this new and worthwhile idea. The "Travelling Trowel" is intended to encourage Inter-lodge visits and promote good-hearted rivalry among the Daughter Lodges in the Province. As a "bonus" it will also help to raise donations for Charities. A short explanation of its aims, and the rules covering its use are stated below.
Rules of Engagement and Capture
- The Season will run from May to May.
- The Trowel can only be "captured" by Daughter Lodges in the Province of The Scottish Borders.
- To "capture" the Trowel, a Visiting Lodge must take a Deputation of a minimum of 7 members (Honorary Members are excluded!) to any Regular or Special Meeting of the Lodge within the Province currently holding the Trowel. The Visiting Lodge can only count its members actually forming the Deputation when they enter the Lodge holding the Trowel.
- Any members of the Visiting Lodge sitting in the "holding" Lodge before the Deputation enters, any non-members of the Deputation, and latecomers after the Deputation enters cannot be counted.
- Each member of the Visiting Deputation must contribute at least £1.00 to the "Traveling Trowel Kitty" before the Trowel can be claimed by the Visiting Lodge.
- The Brother heading the Deputation must claim the Trowel before the close of the meeting of the Lodge being visited.
- In the event of two or more Visiting Deputations, each with at least 7 brethren, visiting the "holding" Lodge, the Visiting Lodge with the larger Deputation will have first claim on the Trowel, subject to payment into the "Kitty". If there are two or more Lodges each with the same size of Deputation then each Deputation will be required to contribute to the "Kitty" and thereafter the Lodge entitled to "capture" the Trowel will be decided in such manner, as the Right Worshipful Master of the "holding" Lodge, may determine on the evening.
- On the "capture" of the Trowel, the successful Lodge should immediately notify the Provincial Grand Secretary (Bro. A. W. Little PM) and the Webmaster (Bro. J. Thom) so that a trace can be kept on its location and its whereabouts be known to any Lodges interested in attempting its "capture".
- The "Kitty" will travel with the Trowel and the Master of the Lodge holding the Trowel at any time; will be responsible for the safe custody of the money.
- The Lodge left holding the Trowel at 31st May shall determine the charity- whether masonic or non-masonic - to which the money is to be donated. It shall be made over to the nominated charity, as soon as practicable after 31st May.
The "capture" of the Trowel is therefore warmly commended as cheerful fraternal fun, and as a fund raising activity, within the Province of The Scottish Borders